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Mowliid A Hashi ayaa maanta tababar u furay bulshada degmada wisil

Agaasimaha waaxda tababarada ee wasaarada warfaafinta galmudug Mowliid A Hashi ayaa maanta tababar u furay bulshada degmada wisil si loo baro sida looga hortagi karo wararka beenta ah. Tababarka ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay dad ka kala yimid hay’adaha dowladda, ururada bulshada rayidka, xubnaha barlamaanka iyo suxufiyiinta.

Agaasimaha waaxda tababarada ayaa sheegay in wararka beenta ah ay yihiin mid ka mid ah caqabadaha ugu weyn ee ku soo kordhaya bulshada soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa degan galmudug. Waxa uu ku baaqay bulshada in ay iska ilaaliyaan wararka aan xaq ahayn ee la soo bandhigo, oo ay ka baaraan xogta ku jira, ilaalinta shuruucda dalka iyo xaquuqda aadanaha. Waxa uu intaa raaciyey in wasaaraddu ay si joogto ah ugu dadaalaysaa in ay barto bulshada sida loo ogaado wararka xaqiiqda ah iyo sida loo kala saaro kan beenta ah.

Tabaerka oo looga faaidaystay sidii la rabay

The Role of Peace and Media: Insights from Galmudug’s Training Initiative

In the heart of Somalia, a significant event unfolded in the city of Dhusamreb, where journalists gathered to delve into the critical theme of ‘The Role of Peace and the Media Today.’ Spearheaded by Mowlid Ahmed Hashi, the Department Director of Human Resources & Training at the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Galmudug, the training represented a pivotal step towards empowering journalists with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex interplay between media and peacebuilding.

The training underscored the media’s instrumental role in shaping narratives that can either foster a culture of peace or exacerbate conflicts. Journalists, as the vanguards of information dissemination, carry the responsibility of reporting with integrity and sensitivity, particularly in regions marred by instability. The sessions highlighted the importance of ethical journalism, the need for accurate and balanced reporting, and the power of media as a tool for social change.

Mowlid Ahmed Hashi’s leadership in this initiative is a testament to Galmudug’s commitment to enhancing the capabilities of its media personnel. By focusing on the development of human resources through such trainings, the Ministry aims to bolster the region’s informational infrastructure and promote a more informed and peaceful society.

The event also served as a platform for dialogue among journalists, fostering a collective understanding of their role in peace processes. It emphasized the necessity for media professionals to not only report events but also to contribute to the healing and unification of communities.

As Galmudug continues to navigate its path towards stability and growth, the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism’s dedication to training and development is a beacon of hope. It reflects a broader vision where media is not just a witness to history but an active participant in the making of a peaceful future.

This training in Dhusamreb is just one of many steps towards this goal, and the insights shared there will undoubtedly resonate across the media landscape, inspiring journalists to wield their pens and cameras in the service of peace.

The Role of Women in Media: A Discussion with Mowlid Ahmed Hashi

In the ever-evolving landscape of media, the role of women has become a focal point of discussion and action. Mowlid Ahmed Hashi, the Department Director of Human Resources & Training at the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism in Galmudug, recently attended a meeting that delved into this significant topic.

The media industry, historically dominated by male perspectives, is witnessing a paradigm shift as women’s voices are increasingly heard and their influence felt. Women in media are not only challenging stereotypes but also shaping public opinion and driving social change. The meeting attended by Hashi highlighted the importance of gender diversity in media and the need for inclusive representation that reflects the true fabric of society.

Discussions like these are crucial, especially in regions like Galmudug, where societal norms are rapidly changing. The Ministry’s involvement signifies a commitment to fostering an environment where women can thrive in media roles, whether as journalists, directors, or policymakers. This aligns with global movements and local initiatives that recognize the power of media in influencing perceptions and the critical role women play in this sphere.

The inclusion of women in media is not just about representation; it’s about leveraging their unique perspectives to enrich content and create a more balanced narrative. It’s about recognizing their potential to contribute meaningfully to discussions that shape the cultural and political landscape.

As the Department Director of Human Resources & Training, Hashi’s role is pivotal in ensuring that policies and training programs are designed to support and empower women in the media sector. His participation in such discussions underscores the Ministry’s dedication to creating pathways for women to excel and lead in an industry that is central to the development and progression of society.

The meeting is a step forward in acknowledging the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. It serves as a reminder that when women are given the platform to express themselves freely in the media, the entire society stands to benefit from the diverse narratives and insights brought forth.

The progress in Galmudug reflects a broader trend across nations where the media is being redefined by the active participation of women. It is a journey towards a more equitable and dynamic media landscape, one where the voices of women are not just heard but are instrumental in steering the direction of the discourse.

The role of women in media is a testament to the transformative power of inclusivity. It is a narrative of progress, of breaking barriers, and of the collective effort to ensure that every voice is valued. As Hashi and his colleagues continue to champion this cause, the ripple effects will undoubtedly be felt across Galmudug and beyond, paving the way for a future where equality in media is not an aspiration but a reality.

The Role of Human Resources in Election Broadcast Training: A Case Study

In the realm of public service, the importance of well-organized and informed human resources cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to the critical task of broadcasting elections. Mowlid Ahmed Hashi, the Department Director of Human Resources & Training at the Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism Galmudug, serves as a prime example of this pivotal role.

Recently, Mr. Hashi embarked on a significant journey to Mogadishu to participate in a training program focused on the nuances of election broadcasting. This training is crucial as it ensures that the electoral process is communicated to the public accurately and responsibly. The training covered various aspects, from the technicalities of broadcast equipment to the ethical considerations of election reporting.

The Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism Galmudug, which oversees such initiatives, plays a vital role in promoting transparency and fostering an informed citizenry. By investing in the professional development of its personnel, the Ministry demonstrates its commitment to upholding the democratic process.

The training in Mogadishu is part of a broader effort to enhance the capacity of journalists and media professionals in Somalia. Supported by international organizations, these programs aim to bolster the culture of direct elections and election reporting, ultimately contributing to the stability, security, and political peace of Somalia.

As the country prepares for elections, the role of media becomes increasingly significant. The training received by Mr. Hashi and his colleagues will empower them to lead teams that can deliver clear, unbiased, and factual information to the electorate. This, in turn, supports the democratic process by enabling voters to make informed decisions.

The initiative taken by Mr. Hashi reflects the proactive approach required to navigate the complexities of election reporting. It underscores the need for continuous learning and adaptation in a rapidly evolving media landscape. As Somalia continues on its path of political development, the dedication of professionals like Mr. Hashi will be instrumental in shaping a well-informed and engaged society.

In conclusion, the training undertaken by Mowlid Ahmed Hashi is more than just a professional development activity; it is a cornerstone in the foundation of a robust democratic system. It highlights the symbiotic relationship between human resources and the dissemination of critical information during pivotal moments like elections. As Galmudug and the rest of Somalia move towards a future of greater political clarity and participation, the role of trained and knowledgeable human resources personnel remains indispensable.

Agaasimaha Waaxda Shaqaalaha & Tababarada ee Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Mudane Mowliid Ahmed Hashi ayaa u aaday magaalada Muqdisho howlo shaqo

Kulankaas oo ay ka soo qeyb galeen shaqaale ka tirsan Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo hay’ado kale oo la xiriira war baahinta iyo nabada, waxaa looga hadlay doorka ay Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo hay’adaha kale ee war baahinta leeyihiin siyaasadda nabadda ee dowladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan maamulka Galmudug.

Kulanka waxaa uu ka mid ahaa  barnaamijka tababarka iyo horumarinta shaqaalaha Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee uu Agaasimaha Waaxda Shaqaalaha & Tababarada ku xiranyahay. Waxaa uu Agaasimuhu ugu baaqay shaqaalaha Wasaaradda in ay sii wanaajiso aqoonta iyo xirfadaha ay ku leeyihiin war baahinta iyo nabada, islamarkaana ay ka faa’iideystaan tababarrada iyo kulanada aqoon is waydaarsiga ah ee loogu diyaarinayo.

Waxaa kale oo uu Agaasime Mowliid ahmed ka hadlay arrimo la xiriira siyaasadda nabadda ee dowladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan gobolka Galmudug. Waxaa uu sheegay in Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ay taageeraysaa heshiisyada nabadeed ee la gaaray gobollada dalka, iyada oo ay si gaar ah ugu adeegto war baahinta iyo xoojinta fikradda nabadeed ee bulshada. Waxaa uu intaa raaciyey in Wasaaradda Warfaafinta ay diyaar u tahay in ay ka qeyb qaato barnaamijyada horumarinta iyo dib u dhiska gobolka Galmudug, iyada oo ay adeegsato war baahinta iyo wacyigelinta bulshada.

Kulanka waxaa uu ku soo gabagabeeyey Agaasimaha Waaxda Shaqaalaha & Tababarada ee Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Mudane Mowliid Ahmed, waxaa kaloo ka hadlay shaqaale ka tirsan Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo hay’ado kale oo la xiriira war baahinta iyo nabada.

Waxay ka codsadeen Agaasimaha in uu sii wado tababarrada iyo kulanada aqoon is waydaarsiga ah ee loogu talagalay shaqaalaha Wasaaradda Warfaafinta iyo hay’adaha kale ee war baahinta.



Kulan looga hadlayay sida warbaahinta qayb uga noqon karto arimaha doorashooyinka galmudug ayaan maanta lagu qabtay dhuusamareeb

Kulan looga hadlayay sida warbaahinta qayb uga noqon karto arimaha doorashooyinka galmudug ayaan maanta lagu qabtay dhuusamareeb waxaana ka qayb galay Agaasimaha Waaxda Shaqaalaha & Tababarada ee wasaaradda warfaafinta Mudane Mowliid Ahmed.

Kulanka ayaa waxaa lagu wada hadlay arimaha xasaasiya ee ku saabsan doorashooyinka galmudug ee soo socda iyo sida warbaahinta ay uga caawin karaan wacyigelinta bulshada iyo xoojinta midnimada iyo nabadda. Agaasimaha Waaxda Shaqaalaha & Tababarada ee wasaaradda warfaafinta ayaa sheegay in warbaahinta ay leedahay doorka ugu weyn ee ka qeyb qaadista doorashooyinka iyo in ay tahay mas’uuliyadooda in ay ka hor istaagaan baahida loo qabo in la helo doorashooyin xor ah iyo dadweynaha oo la siiyo fursad ay u codeeyaan.

Waxaa kale oo kulanka lagu falanqeynay dhibaatooyinka iyo caqabadaha ay warbaahinta soo marayso inta ay ka shaqeynayaan arimaha doorashooyinka iyo sida looga hortago. Waxaa lagu soo dhoweeyay warbaahinta galmudug ee ka shaqeeya magaalada dhuusamareeb iyo degmooyinka kale ee gobolka iyo waxaa lagu amaanay in ay sii wadaan hawsha ay ku leedahay wacyigelinta bulshada iyo xaqiiqda.

Kulanka ayaa waxaa ka soo qeybgalay madaxda iyo shaqaalaha wasaaradda warfaafinta galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda doorashooyinka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda nabadsugidda galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda xaquuqul insaanka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda horumarinta haweenka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda daryeelka caafimaadka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda maaliyadda galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda waxbarashada galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda beeraha galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda deegaanka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda haweenka galmudug, madaxda iyo shaqaalaha hay’adda dhaqanka galmudug.


Agaasimaha Guud oo maanta tababar u furay 30 Wariye

Agaasimaha Guud Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska Dowladda Galmudug (DG MOI Galmudug)

Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska Dowladda Galmudug ayaa maanta waxa uu magaalada Dhusamerb ka furay tababar ay qaadanaayeen 30 wariye oo ka tirsan wariyeyaasha ka howl gala deegaanada Galmudug kaas oo ku saabsanaa “Aqoon-is-weydaarsiga kobcinta awoodda ee warbixinta doorashada iyo taageeridda qoondada haweenka ee 30%. kaas oo ay si wada jir ah usoo agaasimeen UNSomalia iyo Ururka Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed.


The Director General of the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Galmudug State today opened a training session for 30 journalists working in Galmudug.

In partnership with the @UNSomalia the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has conducted three-day capacity building workshop on election reporting and supporting the 30% women quota in #Dhusamareb city, Galmudug State.

Agaasimaha Guud oo maanta tababar u furay 25 Wariye

Agaasimaha Guud Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska (DG MOI Galmudug)

Agaasimaha Guud ee Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Dalxiiska Dowladda Galmudug ayaa maanta waxa uu magaalada Dhusamerb ka furay tababar ay qaadanaayeen 25 wariye oo ka tirsan wariyeyaasha ka howl gala deegaanada Galmudug kaas oo ku saabsanaa “GAPS ON GENDER DECLARATION” kaas oo ay si wada jir ah usoo agaasimeen Ururka Suxufiyiinta Gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed iyo Hay’ada IMS-FOJO.